Finaide: international business solution

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We are yur partner team of consultants and analysts, with our long track record of success and proven experience

Finaide is a team of experts founded by Vittorio Daniele, qualified in international Financial Instruments, Guarantees, and Bails. We can generate long-term development and sustainable growth for your Company.

We have been helping individuals, professionals, and companies in seeking and building the best financial solutions for over 20 years.

We can provide qualified guarantees in European market, as well as in Asian, African, and Eastern European markets, for companies operating in national and international markets.

Finaide offre servizi finanziari per aziende internazionali
of capital disbursed and guaranteed
80 millions
corporate customers
launched start-ups

Registered in the IVASS Register RUIE000682595, International LEI Code 984500C56F074A90H810

Vittorio Daniele has been Vice President of FIAIP from 1999 to 2011 at the Provincial Board of Benevento and as a Member of the Commission for the Role of Business Mediation Agents at Benevento CCIAA from 2001 to 2007.

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IVASS Italy Register E000682595
International Code LEI: 984500C56F074A90H810
VAT No.: IT05365831212